In the Mission Street “Studio”

Posted by Bob on November 1, 2014 Blog | | One comment

Mission (Street) Control

Mission Street spent some time in its own studio recently building a couple of songs for the website and for the CD.    You can take a listen on the home page and check out the songs.

We recorded one of our favorites covers – “Hole hearted” by the band Extreme.    The song has a great acoustic guitar and some very cool harmonies.




Mark is ready to play something


Larry singing Hole hearted

“Blue Song” is an original that has an early 60’s blues feel to it and some need keyboards and horn pieces.   It definitely will go top 40!!


“Incredible Girl” is another original tune that was recorded about a year ago with a final professional studio mix.   This song has some super nice guitar pieces from Joe so you definitely want to check it out.




Joe mixing

Joe is mix master – a lot of hard work and deep thought – probably trying to get Bob’s voice back in tune!




1 Comment

  • Pam Graboyes said on Apr 16, 2015 10:11 pm

    I’m a friend and fan of your drummer, Mark. Enjoyed listening to the tunes on your website! Looking forward to coming to a gig soon!
    Pam Graboyes

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